When everyone is dressed the same at work such as uniformed professionals, name patches are essential. But what about at conferences, events in the work place and at schools? Using name badge lanyards to identify everyone is a good choice.

name badge lanyards

The application of name badge lanyards

Name badge lanyards are really important at events where networking is a key part of the day’s agenda. Name badges and a good quality lanyards are essential for at-a-glance name recall, making acquaintances easily, and in much faster time as there is less of a need for introductions. Of course, introductions are the polite way to meet people but sometimes, when there is a group brainstorming together or more than four or five people in conversation, it can be difficult to make sure everyone gets that formal greeting.

You met A yesterday, but today you think he might be B, or C. You will avoid saying his name at all costs… until you need to introduce him to a colleague. Name badge lanyards are essential!

  • It’s all well and good having a name badge lanyard but if it’s facing the wrong way, it’s not doing its job, invest in a decent no-twist lanyard to keep your identification facing out so people can see it.
  • Use colour coded name badge holder lanyards to make sure your delegates can identify people they need to talk to, quickly and easily. If there is just one company involved in the event but different branches, colour code the branches.
  • If you are pushing your eco friendly business stance, use biodegradable badge holders and recycled lanyards.
  • Keep printing large and clear. If you want to list your sponsors on everyone’s name badge, think about a larger badge holder so that each name can be seen clearly and easily.

Where can custom name badge lanyards

GUANCHANG can customize a variety of styles of badge lanyards. Lanyards has a variety of materials to choose from, such as tubular, polyester and nylon, etc. The name badge style can also be customized according to your request. Custom logos can be woven, silkscreen printed or heat transfer printing, whatever design of your lanyard, we can accomplish it and match your expectation.