Custom tubular lanyards is made of tubular stitched polyester material, which looks like shoelaces. Custom-printed tubular tether is a more streamlined version of tether. It can provide 1/2″and 5/8″ size fashion, with widths ranging from 5/8″to 1″. Your logo and text applied to custom tubular lanyard cable using the same screen printing method. This provides a high quality graphics that look sharp and customized for custom  tubular lanyards.

Custom tubular lanyards


When selecting accessories for your customized printed tubular tether, please do not miss the safety detachment attachment. These safety ropes designed for safety and are just one example of many custom tubular safety ropes that you can create.

Remember, we offer free artwork and unlimited modifications for every customized print tubular lanyard order.

For people with tight budgets, tubular lanyard is the ideal choice. 

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